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LIMS Manual Resulting Process

This guide details the process used for manually resulting test results. The manual resulting process is typically used for testing methodologies incapable of integration with a LIMS system or when a test result need to be manually edited. These include cartridge based tests.

Enter an Order for Testing

Note: If you utilize the GoRev patient portal registration process as outlined here ( ​GoRev Portal Online Digital Registration & Online Registration - Quick Reference) you will not need to enter an order as one will automatically be entered for you based on service type selected during patient registration

Click into the Lab Modules and Click New Order


Fill out each required field (these can be configured) and click Next. Be sure to fill out at a minimum either email or mobile phone number. One of these will be required in order to facilitate distribution of your patient's test results electronically.


Everything on this page should be set to your server and sub location's default values. Attending = your lab director's information. Click Next.


Check Self Pay or enter in Insurance information and click Next


Click Save Visit


Step 2 . A new lab order screen will appear. All values can be set to defaults leaving only the selection of tests as your next step. If you need to change specimen type, ordering physician, diagnosis codes, enter Ask On Entry questions, do this now and then click Complete Order.


Entering Test Results

Note: If you utilize integrated equipment your result entry process will be automated at which point you may simply need to review final result PDFs and move onto the Approval process further below.

Click into lab modules and click Results


Locate the order you just entered and either double click into it or right click and click Edit results.


Edit Results will open for the specified specimen. Right click on the ordered test within the Incomplete Tests bottom left section and click Create Selected Tests


The test will now be provisioned and viewable in the right pane. Right click on it and select your result. For COVID-19 the most common result overrides are Positive, Negative, Detected, and Inconclusive. If there is a CT value that must be entered, select the "Edit Test" option in the dropdown to enter the value, modifier and any comment that is required to be posted on the patient result file.

Note, your final result design template will control the display of Negative vs Not Detected or Positive vs Detected.


You can now click View PDF and you will see the interim final PDF result.



Validate Patient Name, Date of Birth, and Passport number entries are correct. If they are off by even a single digit your patient can encounter issues while travelling internationally. Fix these entries by going to Patient Overview BEFORE you approve the result.

Once you are ready, go back to Results Overview, right click on the Specimen, and click Set Approved. This will trigger the email and text message notification to go out to the patient (if configured) or trigger distribution to your corporate clients via your client lab portal. A guide from a patient's experience can be found here: Patient Portal User Manual


Viewing Notification Logs

You can monitor notifications to your patients by going to Patient Overview, clicking Patient Portal and then selecting View Notification Logs. This will show you when your patient was contacted and what method was most recently used.


GoRev Support Team

If you have any questions, concerns, or problems regarding this GoRev Tutorial, please contact the GoRev Support Team by submitting an IT Support Ticket, by phone at 1-(317)-794-3900, and/or by email at

Note: If possible, always submit an IT Support Ticket detailing any problem that you are experiencing within GoRev. This will give GoRev Support Agents access to additional information that will help expedite the resolution of your issue. If you are unsure how to submit an IT Support Ticket in GoRev, please see the IT Support Ticket Creation for assistance.

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.