GoRev Label Designer
The GoRev label designer module is used to create and alter barcode templates. For reference as to which barcode printers GoRev supports natively please refer to GoRev System Requirements
Where to find label designer
Main Ribbon Functionality
Editing The Fields On The Label Template
How to Generate Proper Text on Labels
Useful Tools and Tricks
Switching to GoRev Labels to Print
1. Where to find the Label Designer
From the main GoRev Software Screen. Click on the Admin Tab > Configuration > Label Designer
NOTE: (If you can not find the icon or Admin tab at all, reach out to your site AD for possible permissions correction)
2. Main Ribbon Functionality
The Ribbon across the top of the Designer will be the start of and new label, editing of or redirection on an existing label. A quick guide of the functions to each icon is below!
New: Allows the user to start a fresh label template. First step will be to identify the dimensions of the label that you will be printing.
Open: Allows user to open an existing Thermal Label Template
Save: Basic save function of a created or updated Thermal Template
Save As: Allows a fresh save to an edited label WITHOUT and override of a opened Thermal Template
Layout Settings: Allows the user to change the dimensions of an opened label template without having to create a new label template with the exact dimensions.
Undo: Basic Undo function removing the last alteration made to the current label editing
Redo: Basic Redo Function to redo the last alteration that was undone to the current label editing
Graphics: Contains a dropdown of Different Graphic Options to be placed onto the label design
Text: Click on the Text Icon and then move your cursor to the Label Template then Click and Drag to add a Text Field to the Label Design
Barcode: Click on the Barcode Icon and then move your cursor to the Label Template then Click and Drag to add a Barcode Field to the Label Design
Behavior: Contains a Dropdown that allows the user to set a Default Rotation Angle. Should you be Designing a Label that is Vertical in the designer as opposed or Horizontal, this function defaults any Text Field or Barcode Fields added to lay the designer angle without having to manually adjust after placement (See Screenshots Below)
Import: Basic Import Function allowing the user to Import a .xml .tl or .tlj file from outside the GoRev Software
Export: Basic Export Function allowing the user to Export the current Label Design to Outside the GoRev Software as a .xml .tl or .tlj file.
3. Editing The Properties of a Text Field
The Diversity, Depth and Customization Ability within the Thermal Label Designer is impressive and overwhelming if you don't know where to look! Below it the guide to keep you focused as you become familiar with all the customization tools available!
Once a text Field has been inserted and selected, you will be given a long list of customization options on the right side of the Template Designer Screen. Here you can alter and the Size, Font, Spacing, Placement, Generated Fields and so so much more!
Starting with the top of this list (just beneath Properties), you can filter your options by Category or Alphabetical by selecting the corresponding icon.
As you look to modify or apply a customization to the desired text field please note that there can be a True or False drop bar to essentially turn that option On or Off.
Or a fill in the blank accordingly box (click into this text box to type)
Here is the basic summary of each Category available to the user.
Appearance: Alters and Defines the overall appearance of the text itself. From Font and Size to Borders and Alignment. Please note that there are many dropdowns within the Appearance Category that contain even more customization options to the user.
Behavior: Slightly more advanced, here a user can edit how the text fields will behave from invisible or printing the letters backwards (Right to Left)
Data: Advanced options to alter the text field data
Design: Outside of the Design Options, this is where the Tag Text Field is found. The Tag Text Field is critical as it is the corresponding function to pull desired data from within GoRev to print on the Labels (patient name, date of birth, gender etc.) We will cover this in detail in the next section.
Layout: Allows the Layout Customization of the generated text from the location on the label itself to the appropriate sizing to match the Text Field Box itself.
4. How to Generate Proper Text on Labels
In order for the correct field to be pulled from the GoRev Database and generated onto your label, you will need to ensure you have properly filled out the text field.
After selecting the desired text field, go to the Design Category under Properties. The last option is the Tag Field. This is where GoRev will pull the information you wish to be applied to your text field on your label.
The Spelling, Capitalization and placement of words are all critical to achieve the proper outcome instead of a blank field generation on the printed label.
So, how do you know the correct words and order to put into the Tag Field? The easiest way is under Admin > Configuration > Patient Portal > Digital Registration Editor
From the Digital Registration Screen, Click on the Insert Field Tab to see the list of directory options to begin narrowing down your desired text field.
With so many options at your disposal, it is quite simple to browse the list and find the specific area for data that you're looking for. If for instance, you simply need a patients name to generate on the Label. Scroll down to the Patient Dropdown in the Directory Column and find the Patient Name Options.
For this example, we will use the Patient Full Name for our Tag. Now that we have narrowed down our desired text field to reflect on the label, so, let's go back to the Label Designer Tool. In the Tag Text Field you now know what to type!! Again using Patient Full Name for this example, click on the Tag Text Field and ensure your spelling and capitalization match the directory path.
When this label is printed, this Tag will ensure the Patients Name will generate in the applied text field on the Thermal Label!!
5. Useful Tools and Tricks
While the Properties List is mostly straight forward, let's go over some KEY things that will need clarification and recognition to achieve the pinpoint outcome, proper generation and precise alignment for your Printed Label.
Text and Tag Field Differences
The Text and Tag Fields are both critical of understanding the use and difference for proper text generation.
The Text in the above illustration is being reflected on the label preview. This is for simple identification purposes within the label editor. However, you can see the Tag field is going to pull the Order Panels field on label print. The Tag field WILL OVERRIDE the text field, assuming the Tag Field is properly entered. So while we see Example on the Label, should we print this exact label, the Order Panel would be generated on the printed label and NOT the word Example.
It is important to know that the Text Field is for convenience and ease of identification while in Label Editor!!
Matching Text Field Size
If you need to ensure all your text boxes are the same size without the headache of click and drag matching. Look under the Layout Category
Here you can find the size desired by manually entering a number in the Height Text Field. Using the same number on all the desired Text Boxes will ensure you label maintains a balance of generated text.
Pinpoint Alignment
Say you needed the Patient Name, Date of Birth and Age all to line up perfectly. This can easily be done in the GoRev Label Designer with the X and Y axis options.
By manually tying in the matching Axis (X or Y) needed, the text boxes will all sit on the same invisible line. Remember X Axis is Left to Right and Y Axis is Up and Down. Remind yourself which is which should you be editing a label Horizontally and not Vertically.
6. Switching to GoRev Labels to Print
Finally, we want to see all our hard work on a Label!! We must first change our GoRev account to recognize the Thermal Label Directory. On the main GoRev Screen, Click on Users Name > Preferences.
From the next screen click on Printing and select GoRev for the Integration Mode dropbox option.
That's it!! Once you save your Custom Label Design, you can now select your custom design as a print label option!!
Thank you for following along for the basic use and functionality of the GoRev Label Designer Tool. Should you need any help please reach out to our support specialist team anytime.
GoRev Support Team
If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding this tutorial, please contact the GoRev Support Team by phone at (317) 794-3900 or by email at ask@gorev.com
Note: Always submit an IT Support Ticket detailing the problem that you are experiencing with this portion of GoRev, if possible, as this will give GoRev Support Agents access to information that will help expedite the resolution of your issue. If you are unsure how to submit an IT Support Ticket in GoRev, please see the IT Support Ticket Creation tutorial for assistance.