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Your settings are a crucial component of the software, as it allows you to customize key details to suit your individual preferences. The settings page allows you to manage your outreach cadence, update your personal contact information, and personalize how your campaign data is organized via labels.

  • Accessing Your Settings Page
  • Activity Management
  • Connector Priority & Activity Manager
  • General Settings
  • Contact Labels


How Does It Work?

Accessing your settings page

  1. Log into your account and click on your name and/or email displayed on the homepage


  1. Click on the hamburger menu
  2. Click on Settings


Activity Management

This section allows you to manage your outreach schedule and invite manager settings.

  • Time zone: Ensure your time zone aligns with the one displayed on your LinkedIn profile. To update, click the dropdown arrow under "Timezone." Be sure to click on "Apply."
  • Hours: The software completes one task, such as a connection request or message, every 8-12 minutes, staggered within the hours identified on your settings page. There will never be messages and/or connection requests sent outside of these designated hours.
  • Turbo mode: This is an optional feature that should only be utilized if you have a strong LinkedIn account. If turned on, the software will increase it's productivity and complete one task every 4-6 minutes.
  • Work on weekends: This checkbox instructs the software to continue completing tasks on Saturday and Sunday. It is recommended to keep this feature enabled.
  • Invite manager: This indicates the number of outstanding connection requests your account can accommodate at any single point in time. If your account exceeds this preset limit, the software will automatically start withdrawing connection requests. This will happen in batches starting with the oldest outstanding requests first. The invite manager automatically defaults to 1500 which is the recommended setting.

Be sure to scroll down and click the "Update" bar at the bottom to save any changes.

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Connector Priority & Activity Manager

This section allows you to manage your weekly communication priorities and activity levels for your connector campaigns. You are able to select your preferred communication methods and set your preferred number of engagements for each method.

To re-arrange communication method priorities, drag them by the handle.

To increase or decrease an activity level, click and drag the bar selector to your preferred limit. Once the limit has been reached within any given week, the next available communication method will be used.

The default communication prioritization is as follows:

  • Regular connection requests: LinkedIn sets a limit of between 100-200 connection requests per week. It is suggested that you keep this bar selector at the max amount of invites, however, you can keep it slightly below the maximum to ensure the ability to still allow for sending manual connection requests each week. For example, keeping the limit at 90 allows you to send an additional ~10 connection requests manually, if needed.
  • Invite by email: This approach expands your connection request capabilities, once a user's standard connection requests have been used. There's no need to do anything to set it up; Simply put, we’ve partnered with top data companies so your connector campaigns can continue sending connection requests using contact's emails, because if you know someone's email that's associated with their LinkedIn profile, LinkedIn allows you to connect with them past your limit. For additional clarification, these connection requests are sent via LinkedIn Direct Messages as normal, not via email.
  • Open InMail: This is a direct message to a prospect outside of your direct network via a Sales Navigator InMail. Additional campaign steps are required for this type of outreach.
  • Group messages: Group messages can be sent to contacts outside of your 1st degree network, as long as you are in the same group. To utilize this feature, it is imperative you join LinkedIn groups that align with your target audience.

Lastly, be sure to scroll down and click the "Update" bar at the bottom to save any changes.


General Settings

  • LinkedIn profile: This is the exact URL of your LinkedIn profile. To obtain this, click "View Profile" on LinkedIn & copy the URL from your browser's header.
  • Notification Email: This email is only viewed/utilized by your admin team. To ensure seamless communication, please make sure this email remains up-to-date.
  • Linker Extension: A highly recommended feature. Please visit Downloading the Extension & Using the Extension for more information.

Contact Labels

This feature enables data organization in effort to understand campaign outcomes. More specifically, Labels allow a user to see how successful one campaign is in comparison to another. This section solely focuses on setting up and editing Labels; Please visit Labels or Inbox Management for more information on utilization of Labels.

  • New Labels: To add a new label, click on the green + icon in the upper right-hand corner of the widget. Highlight & delete "New Label" to rename the label. Click on the white square to the left of the title to adjust the color, as desired.
  • Remove Labels: Click on the X icon to the right of the label's naming convention.
  • Hide Labels: Click on the eyeball icon to the right of the label's naming convention. A hidden label is indicated by a muted color palette for the entire cell.
  • Sort Labels: Click, drag, and drop labels into your preferred sequence. For a single column view, you can also use the double arrow icon in the upper right-hand corner of the widget.
  • Clone Labels: This allows for a streamlined way to duplicate labels from another account. To do so, click on the Clone Labels icon the upper right-hand of the widget; It resembles two sheets of paper.

Once a label is created & being utilized it is not recommended you make any further updates/edits to avoid risking your data's integrity.

Always be sure to click on the "Update" bar at the bottom to save any changes.



Why are the changes to my Settings not updating?

There are several "Update" buttons throughout this page. Be sure you are scrolling down to the bottom of each widget and clicking on "Update" before navigating away from the page.

Why do certain conversations not start with a Connection Message?

‘Invite by Email’ are the most frequently used connection requests and don’t include a personalized Connection Message. In other words, communication starts with the Welcome Message. Based on our data, there is no significant impact of a conversation not starting with a Connection Message.

Related Topics

For more information, contact your Admin or Account Manager.

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.