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Satisfying Texas SB490 - Itemized Statements with GoRev

As of 09/01/2023 Texas hospital and free standing emergency room operators must comply with Texas SB490 and issue an itemized statement to patients.

The Texas Hospital Association has published an FAQ on this topic here:

This guide will walk you through several methods you may be able to use to satisfy the SB490 requirements. Note, nothing in this guide should be interpreted as legal advice.

Method 1 - Manual Generation via Bulk Actions

Configure your Itemized Statement Design

We recommend creating a new form specifically for SB490. You can follow the Manage Print Services guide on how to do this. We have published a new template form you can work from called Texas SB490 Itemized Statement. Below shows how you can edit this template to meet your needs.


Edit the contents of this dynamic print services forms to meet your needs. You could copy and paste in your logo towards the top left, change verbiage in bold, or add/remove fields. Dynamic fields are any field between { and } characters.


Add Printed Documents as a file category that will automatically send to patient portal and notify the patient. You can do this within Lookup Tables.

NOTE: Adding this will cause ALL files you generate dynamically from print services to patient overview using this button image.png to the patient's portal


Using Reports Bulk Actions and bulk dynamic form generation you can perform the following actions from any report data grid in GoRev.

Select the rows for which you want to generate an itemized statement and click Print.


Click Print Selected Rows


Find and Check on the Texas SB490 Itemized Statement form or whatever form you have created for this process and click Save PDF to Patient Files


You will see the system operate on each account image.png

When complete each account will have a PDF of the form permanently stored in File Management


Patients will receive an email and sms text indicating a new file exists for them to review within the patient portal. When they logon they will see:


Method 2 - Using The GoRev Automation Engine

Use of this method can allow you to automate the generation of forms and the communication of those forms to patients. More can learned here GoRev Automation Engine

Configure your Patient note template

This system will allow you to configure the message patients will see in the portal with the itemized statement PDF attached.

Navigate to Clinic Modules --> Note Templates


Use the insert patient field option to place dynamic fields into your message. These fields will be replaced by actual content of fields within the system prior to generating to the patient.


Setup your GoRev Automation Rule

Review this guide on the GoRev Automation Engine. Below are some potential automation rules with conditions and actions that could help you satisfy Texas SB490.

The below rule will automatically fire ONE time only on any patient with a date of service on or after 9/1/2023 and has an approved patient balance. Note: The SB490 rule requires you generate the itemized statement within 30 days of receipt of payment. Using this rule method will require your team stays current on approving patient balances.

Encounter.AdmitDate is Greator or Equal to 9/1/2023

Encounter.ApprovedPatientBalance is Greater than 0


The two actions are run in order. Fist GenerateDocument will run your itemized statement design you created above and save a PDF to Patient Overview storing it in the file category you specify below. The file will be named Itemized Statement SB490 (this is what the patient will see as the attached PDF name in the portal)


The second action SendPatientMessage will then run. It will use the note template you created (and specify below) and attach any files found in the file category you check (aka SB490). Note this file category can be customized and will need to be setup by your team within Lookup Tables prior to being able to check it in this action.


That's it. Now every hour the automation engine will check to see if any new patients qualify and send the itemized statement if they haven't already been sent it!

If you need audit proof of generation you can use a report that is automatically created for each rule you setup here:


You can also prove delivered status by patient by viewing the notification logs here:



What the patient sees

Patients will get the usual "logon to your portal to retrieve a message" notification via sms text/email. Once logged in they will see a message based on the message template you created above. It will have the itemized statement PDF attached.


GoRev Support Team

If you have any questions, concerns, or problems regarding this GoRev Tutorial, please contact the GoRev Support Team by submitting an IT Support Ticket, by phone at 1-(317)-794-3900, and/or by email at

Note: If possible, always submit an IT Support Ticket detailing any problem that you are experiencing within GoRev. This will give GoRev Support Agents access to additional information that will help expedite the resolution of your issue. If you are unsure how to submit an IT Support Ticket in GoRev, please see theIT Support Ticket Creation for assistance.

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