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Enrolling a New Student in PowerSchool

The following steps are for students who HAVE NOT attended an Evergreen Catholic School in the past and therefore would not have a student record in our PowerSchool system. This method also assumes you are NOT USING the Online Registration Form.

*IMPORTANT: Be sure to verify that the student has not attended an Evergreen Catholic School by clicking on the District Search button at the top right of the PowerSchool Start page and typing the student's surname. The search will return a list of both Active and Inactive students matching that surname. If they are not on the list, proceed to Step 1 below.
*NOTE: If the student is listed as Active or Inactive at an Evergreen Catholic School, you will need to contact that school and have them transfer the student record to your school. Then you will proceed to Step 3 on the following guide: Transferring & Re-Enrolling Students in PowerSchool

Creating a New Student Record

  1. From the start page, click on School Enrollment > Enroll New Student.
  2. Enter all of the applicable student information. Take special note of a few areas:
    1. The Enrollment date should be the first day that the student will be attending classes.
    2. The Full Time Equivalency field is required and is important for accurate attendance calculations.
    3. The Track field is required ONLY IF your school uses tracks in the calendar setup. This field is important for accurate attendance calculations (if your school does not use tracks in the calendar, leave this field blank).
  3. After entering all information in both sections (Student Information and Identification Information), click Submit.
  4. If there are any students with information that closely matches the student you just entered, you may see a confirmation page asking if any of the possible matches is who you are trying to enroll. This is simply a double check of the Important Note listed at the top of this guide.
  5. After the student record is created, navigate to the Compliance > Compliance Demographics page and enter the applicable information.
  6. You will then need to verify/resolve the ASN of this student.
    1. If the student has never attended an Alberta school before, you will use the following guide: Creating a New ASN for Students in PowerSchool
    2. If the student has attended an Alberta school in the past and the ASN is not displaying in PowerSchool, you will use the following guide: Resolving a Missing Student ASN
  7. Continue with all other needed procedures (i.e., assigning fees, scheduling, etc).
  8. Navigate to Courses and Programs > Scheduling Settings page and fill in the Next Year Grade, Schedule This Student, Year of Graduation, and Next School Indicator fields.
    *PLEASE NOTE: if you are Pre-Registering this student for the "Next School Year", the Next Year Grade field should be set to the grade level they will be GOING INTO (*Important for the End-Of-Year Process).
  9. Navigate to Student Profile > Modify Info and fill in the District Entry Date and School Entry Date.

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