Guru's Verification engine ensures consistency, confidence, and trust in the knowledge your organization shares. Learn more.

Ask an Expert

I can't find what I'm looking for in Guru. How do I ask a human for help?

Similar to Comments, users may also interact with content and its owners through the Q&A functionality of Guru - Ask an Expert. Access Ask an Expert anytime by clicking your profile avatar in the top-right corner of the web app and selecting "Ask an Expert" at the bottom of the menu. (Note: Ask an Expert is not available in the browser extension)
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When you Ask an Expert, Guru alerts you of similar content to avoid duplicate questions. Guru uses Q&A to learn from our community and improve search. When questions are answered with an existing card, Guru remembers the terms of the question and automatically associates them with the card. This means that Guru naturally begins to reflect how our community searches without any additional effort by the subject matter experts.
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Ask an Expert a Question

  1. Click on your profile avatar in the top-right corner of the web app.
  2. Select Ask an Expert at the bottom of the pop-up menu.
  3. Use the space to type your question. Provide sufficient information for your team's expert to easily understand and answer it.
  4. Click on the Guru has found similar matches. Show Cards prompt to ensure that the answer to your question isn’t already in Guru (example above). This reduces the possibility of duplicate, confusing content!
  5. Select the subject matter expert or Group of experts you would like to answer your question. If you don't know exactly who you should contact, Guru will offer Suggested Experts (example below).
  6. Click Ask question!

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You may also Ask an Expert from the Search / Ask Guru menu if the answer provided isn't what you are looking for. The window will prompt you to select who should answer, similar to above.

Review & Follow-Up

Users or Groups who are assigned to answer will be notified in the Questions inbox within Tasks. Under Sent, users will see all question they have sent, if the question has been answered, and who has answered the question.
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You will be notified via email once the expert has answered. Access their answer anytime in the future by searching for the card.

For those with advanced permissions (Authors, Collection Owners and Verifiers), review instructions for replying to questions and comments in Tasks.

Return to Getting Started with Guru.

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You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.