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Search / Ask Guru

There are so many collections and cards - what's the best way to locate content in Guru?

Aside from clicking through the hierarchy of content, there are two primary ways to find information in Guru:

  1. Ask Guru a question
  2. Search for keywords and phrases

Both are completed from the "Ask Guru" search bar located at the top of the web app or browser extension. Search and Ask Guru pull suggestions/answers from the title and text content of a Guru card, as well any connected information sources (e.g. Google Drive). It does not search uploaded and embedded files, images, and videos.

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Your recent searches and recently viewed cards are also accessible from the search bar.

Ask Guru

Need an answer quickly, or don't want to read multiple cards to find what you need? Enter a question into the search bar (or just add a question mark at the end of your phrase) to Ask Guru!

Formerly known as "Answers" or "Ask a Question," Ask Guru is an AI-powered search tool that uses secure natural language processing to interpret the keywords and meaning and responds with the one right answer. Click to review the information sources, provide feedback on the answer, search for additional information, and get expert help all in one place.


  1. Click the Ask Guru search bar in the top navigation menu of the web app or browser extension.
  2. Enter your question (ending with a question mark) and hit return or Enter on your keyboard to submit.
  3. Guru will return an answer to your question along with the Source content. Search results of keywords and phrases from your entry are also displayed below.

    Options at the bottom of the card include:
    1. Copy Answer (two squares icon) to paste it into another file or application.
    2. Provide Feedback to indicate if the response was helpful or invalid by clicking the thumbs-up (👍) or thumbs-down (👎) icons in the bottom right-hand corner. (Note: This helps to make the tool more useful for all users!)
    3. Ask an Expert if the answer was not sufficient (see Ask an Expert for information). This will expand the window for you to select the recipient or group of recipients from the drop-down menu and add any notes. Click Submit.

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Ask Guru FAQ

How is Ask Guru different from Ask an Expert?

Think of Ask Guru as an advanced search tool - it culls through content for you and returns and answer in natural language (i.e. an easy-to-understand statement). Ask an Expert is your next line of defense when you can't find exactly what you are looking for. With Ask an Expert, you can turn your question over to a subject matter expert or group of experts for additional help.

What information is used to generate answers?

As noted above, Guru searches text-based and all "markdown" content (anything not straight text) such as links, bullets, tables, code blocks, etc. for answers. File names, such as those of attachments or images, are included in the results as well as any image alternative text. Answers does not include any information from within the content of attachments or embedded files. Answers also does not know the current date and time (e.g. it cannot tell you the next paid holiday for employees), nor does it recognize emojis.


Omit a question mark from your search to review all related content. Each card that matches your search parameters will display, highlighting the related text and indicating the location of each card (Collection, Folder, etc.) and any related tags. Note that search does not return text results that are contained within attachments, videos, embedded files, or other media.

Search results are also displayed below questions asked via Ask Guru (above).

Search Tips

  • Toggle Show/Hide Filters to display filter options, including:
  • Apply multiple filters by using shortcuts (! for Collections and # for Tags)
  • Use quotation marks around your phrase (e.g. "case study") to search for an exact match
  • Click in the search bar to see recent searches

You may also search for cards directly within a Folder, a great option if you have a general idea of the location or owner of the content. Open the applicable Collection and Folder, and enter your keyword or phrase into the search bar below the Collection name. Refine your search using Tags.
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Still haven't found the information you need? Try Asking an Expert.

Return to Getting Started.


You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.