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Employee Data: Dir Dep (Direct Deposit)



Learn about the Dir Dep tab within AllPay. This is where all direct deposit information is stored for an employee, and it's a vital part of your payroll data. An employee can have up to 99 accounts set up to get direct deposits.

What's in this article?

An overview of what is on the Dir Dep tab and how it ties into payroll.

đź’ˇGood to know: This is part of a collection of guides about employee data in AllPay. This data in particular is relevant to payroll processes.

Direct deposit fraud means that direct deposit information can be a target for malicious activity. AllianceHCM recommends that all clients always take extra steps to safeguard direct deposit information, including enabling two-factor authentication in AllPay and MyPay, using payroll rules to validate direct deposit changes, and requiring that all direct deposit change requests from MyPay are reviewed and approved in AllPay.

AllianceHCM tips: Keep an eye out for tips from our experts!

Direct Deposit

Log in to AllPay and from the Employees module or menu, choose the Dir Dep section.

Here we're looking at the tab for our selected employee. You can see from the filters at the top that we’re looking specifically at the employee data for Serenie Beanie, and there's nothing set up yet for this employee.


To set up a new Direct Deposit, click on the Add New button near the top right corner.


The Priority field is autofilled at 99 for this first direct deposit. That field requires a number from 1 to 99, and it tells the system which order to do direct deposits in. Deposits are always processed in ascending order–so the smallest or lowest number is always processed first, then the others are processed in order. An employee could have three accounts set up as Priority 1, Priority 50, and Priority 99, and the system would look at Priority 1 first, Priority 50 second, and Priority 99 last.


Let’s talk about just a few of these fields. Much of this information can be gathered from an employee during their onboarding, or from within MyPay, the AllianceHCM employee self service portal. Make sure that your employees know that the name here needs to match what the bank has on file so that payments aren’t bounced back.

The Skip Prenote? option is for you to determine whether you want the account to be verified when you’re processing payroll and whether you want to generate a paper check or an ACH for an employee. Some companies like to always prenote accounts because they want to avoid an ACH return and dealing with getting an employee paid some other way, and some companies skip the prenote.


The Amount field and Amount Code fields are tied to each other.

AllianceHCM tip: We recommend always setting the last priority direct deposit, or the Priority 99 deposit, at 100 percent. This ensures that 100 percent of what is leftover after all the other deposits is put into this final deposit. Sometimes a person’s paycheck cannot be cleanly divided between deposits and there may be a penny leftover, and setting the Priority 99 deposit as 100 percent makes sure there won’t be a paper check for a penny.


Remember to Save any new information or any edits to an existing direct deposit.

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