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Phish Bowl

An illustration of Gnarls catching a fish out of a fishbowl against a blue background.

The New School community is a frequent target for phishing emails and other cyber scams. The Phish Bowl is a collection of the most recent scam emails and other suspicious communications sent to members of the community.

How to use the Phish Bowl

If you receive a suspicious email, visit the Phish Bowl and scan the list of recent phishing attempts. If the email is posted, there's no need to report it. Simply delete the email and you're done. If you received a suspicious email and it is not listed here, please report it to the Information Security and Privacy Office at or by emailing IT Central at

Not sure whether you can trust an email? Learn how to spot Phishing Scams.

Note: There are many different types of cyber scams, with new strategies deployed every day. If you receive a suspicious email or other communication and you do not see it listed here, do not engage with the communication or sender. Please forward it to the Information Security and Privacy Office at and we'll investigate and add it to our list if appropriate.

Latest Phishing Attempts

Each scam alert below lists the subject line used in the phishing message along with the date the message was received or reported. Click through for additional details of each phishing attempt as well as red flags that can be used to identify other phishing scams.

Phish Bowl Archive


Reporting Phishing Scams

When you receive a suspicious email or text please forward the email to IT Central at or complete this form. Reporting the message to IT will allow us to block the email and sender from reaching other members of the community and also add the phishing attempt to our Phish Bowl.

If you wish to report the message to Google as well, simply click the radio button on the right of the email and select “Report Phishing” to alert Google. You can also select “Block Sender” if you are certain that the message is malicious.

TIP: Never click on any links, documents, or other email addresses within the email.

Latest Information Security and Privacy Updates & Patches

Learn more about the latest information security and privacy updates and patches.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Information Security and Privacy Office at

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