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Enter Time Off on Behalf of Employees

This card provides instructions for managers.

Employees should review Request Time Off for instructions to submit their requests.

When an employee is absent from work without having submitted a Time Off Request and in emergency situations managers have the ability enter time off on their behalf in MyDay. Please refer to the MyDay Time Off & Leave Guide for an overview of the different time off "types" and their eligibility, such as Emergency Instance or NYC Safe & Sick Leave. Managers also have the ability to enter Unpaid Absences for their employees, when needed.

Enter Time Off for Employees

  1. Log into MyDay - see Logging into MyDay for assistance.
  2. Search for employee in the search bar at the top of the screen.
    Search Bar
  3. Select Actions on the left side of the screen underneath the user's profile picture.
  4. Navigate to Time and Absence and select Enter Time Off.
    Worker-Workday (1).png
  5. A calendar will be displayed. Select the date(s) you need to enter time off for the employee and click Request Time Off in the lower left corner of the screen.
    Enter-Time-Off-Workday (1).png
  6. The Enter Time Off window will open - complete all mandatory fields:
    1. Type: Select the appropriate Type from the drop-down menu - see MyDay Time Off & Leave Guide for descriptions.
    2. Position: Employees with more than one role at the university will have multiple positions in this drop-down menu - ensure the correct position is selected.
    3. Daily Quantity: Refer to the Unit of Time field below to confirm if the Daily Quantity is being expressed in Hours or Days, and enter the correct quantity. Please note the same Daily Quantity will apply to each day if multiple dates have been selected.
        • Emergency Instance leave is expressed in days - indicate a Daily Quantity of "1" (whole day).
    4. Reason: If field is listed, select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu.
    5. Comment: Enter the CRN for part-time faculty in this box; leave blank for other employee types.
    6. "Enter your comment": Optional for any additional information.
      Enter-Time-Off-Workday.pngEnter-Time-Off-Workday (2).png
  7. Click Submit.

Related Topics

Return to MyDay Time Off & Leave Guide.

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