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View Activity Pay

This card provides instructions to part-time faculty and student workers.

"Period activity pay" is a type of compensation used to pay an individual a specific sum of money over a specific period of time for a prescribed activity. This type of pay is an alternative to hourly or salary compensation, and is largely used for part-time faculty and student workers. Additionally, anyone who is paid a stipend or lump sum in addition to their salary will see this amount in MyDay as activity pay.

Activity Pay Terminology

The below terminology is used in the MyDay Current Activity Pay chart:

  • Activity: The course type or additional duty type is listed here.
  • Activity End Date: The end date corresponds to the end date of the course or additional duty and the end date of the payment.
  • Activity Start Date: Corresponds to the course start date or additional duty and the beginning date of the payment.
  • Costing Overrides: This field is for internal purposes only and relates to where the monies are being budgeted.
  • Currency: The currency will always be US dollars (USD).
  • Payments: Number of payments that the scheduled amount will be paid in.
  • Period: Teaching semester (Fall, Spring, Summer).
  • Position: The position displayed will refer to your MyDay position.
  • Quantity: Derived from the unit and in many (but not all) cases is the number of hours taught.
  • Scheduled: The scheduled amount is the total amount of money to be paid for a given activity.
  • Task: If you are teaching a course, the course details are listed here.
  • Total Scheduled Amount: The sum total of all your current activity pay for the current period. Each period represents a teaching semester.
  • Unit: This is the measure by which your compensation is derived. For example, contact hours for courses, per meeting for meeting additional duties, etc.
  • Unit Rate: Relates to the unit and quantity, if the unit is contact hours it is the hourly rate.

Follow the below instructions to view your Current Period Activity Pay (what you are being paid out now) or Historical Period Activity Pay (amounts that have been paid in full).

View Current Activity Pay

  1. Log into MyDay. See Logging into MyDay if you need assistance.
  2. Click your Profile Picture in the top right corner.
  3. Click View Profile.
  4. Click Compensation tab on the menu to the left.
  5. Select the Current Activity Pay sub-tab to the top of the page.
  6. A table that lists all of your current Period Activity Pay will display.
    View-Worker-Vicente-Archer-Workday (3).png
  7. To see additional details including scheduled payment dates, click the View with Payment Details button.
    View with Payment Details.jpg
  8. The Period Activity Payment Details table will display. From here, you will be able to view a breakdown by activity of each scheduled payment amount and scheduled payment date.

    Please Note: The Scheduled Payment Date displays the last day in each pay period rather than the actual pay date. Payments will be received according to The New School’s biweekly payroll calendar, which runs two weeks in arrears.
    Period Activity Payment Details.jpg

View Historical Activity Pay

  1. Log into MyDay. See Logging into MyDay if you need assistance.
  2. Click your Profile Picture in the top right corner.
  3. Click View Profile.
  4. Click Compensation tab on the menu to the left.
  5. Select the Historical Activity Pay sub-tab to the top of the page.
    Historical activity pay.jpg
  6. Click View Assignment Details for the selected period.
    Period Activity Assignments.jpg
  1. Your Period Activity Payment Details will display additional information.

Related Topics

Return to MyDay Payroll & Compensation Guide.

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