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Compass Intermediate Training Objectives

  1. Trading Dashboard Overview
    1. PnL Investigations
    2. P&L Drop Investigation Example
    3. Hedger Explain Tab
  2. Internalisation Review
  3. Compass Specific Yield Profiles
    1. Yield Profiles - Group by Internalised or Brokered
    2. Yield Profiles - Group By Execution Rule
    3. Yield Profiles - Analysing Cancelled/Filled Orders

  1. Pricing Models
    1. Overview of a pricing model
    2. MFX_Compass_Pricing_and_Distribution.pdf
  2. Trading Signals
  3. Simulations & Backtest
    1. backtesting configuration changes
    2. reviewing client flow quality via Backtest Mark to Market BM2M
  4. Manual Business Rules
  5. Distribution Overview (Mahi managed)
    1. Distribution Channels - What prices get published?
    2. Execution Rules
    3. Liquidity Reduction
  6. Hedging Overview (Mahi managed)
    1. Classifier
    2. VaR
  7. Advanced Analytics
    1. Granularity of analysis
      1. TOB
      2. Rolling time series
      3. Weekly
      4. Multi-month
    2. Liquidity Premium/Discounts

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