Guru's Verification engine ensures consistency, confidence, and trust in the knowledge your organization shares. Learn more.

Comments & Mentions

Can I ask a question about a specific card or piece of content?

As mentioned in Guru Help, there are many ways to interact with content and its owners in Guru including Comments and @Mentions (described below), as well as Ask an Expert. Additionally, complete the Guru Request Form if you would like to suggest new content for Guru.


Commenting on a card is the ideal way to ask a question or make a comment about that specific card or piece of information. Examples include confirming if the data cited in the card is from the most current academic year, or making sure that a process has been updated to reflect a new system.

Guru has in-line commenting and @mentions, similar to Google Docs. Click the chat bubble (💭) in card's navigation menu to open the Comments window on the right-hand side of the card.
Open Comments.JPG

Each time a comment is added to a card, the card's Verifier is sent an email and a task in Guru notifying them of the activity. You may tag other people in the comment by @mentioning them in your comment (e.g. @chieffaa would add myself, Abbey Florence, to the comment). Once someone has been mentioned in a comment, they will be notified of each additional post related to that comment. We recommend scanning any Resolved comments (described below) before adding a new one in case someone has asked the same question (described below).

Individuals must already have an active account within Guru to be @mentioned in a comment. You may search for the individual by name or NID email address (not vanity email). You may also @mention a Group within Guru, such as @Experts (all Authors and Verifiers).


Create a Comment

  1. While viewing a card in the web app or browser extension, highlight the text in question and click the chat bubble (💭) icon.
  2. Type your comment, making sure to @mention any individuals who should be looped into the discussion other than the verifier (verifiers are included by default).
  3. Click Save.

The verifier of the card and any other individuals/groups you tagged in your comment will receive an email notification and new task in their Mentions inbox (discussed below).

View Open Comments

Guru does not maintain an outbox of comments you have posted on cards. However, you can see all open comments on a specific card.

  1. Open the card in question in the web app or browser extension.
  2. If a card has any active comments, the chat bubble (💭) icon will have a red dot over it. Click the chat bubble (💭) icon.
    Active Comments.JPG
  3. Open/active comments are displayed next to the highlighted text. Scroll to view comment(s).

View Your Mentions

If you have been assigned or @mentioned in a comment, you will receive and email notification as well as a Task. Click Tasks > Mentions to open all active comments assigned to you. Mentions are ordered by reverse chronological order with the most recent mention appearing at the top of the list. You may also sort using column title.

NOTE: Comments will continue to display in your Mentions inbox until you Dismiss the notification.

Tasks - Mentions.jpg

For those with advanced permissions (Authors, Collection Owners and Verifiers), review instructions for replying to questions and comments in Tasks.

React, Reply, and Resolve Comments

If you have been @mentioned in a comment, you can take the below actions directly from your email inbox, from your Mentions (above), or by opening the card in question via the View Open Comments instructions above.

You may take the following actions on a comment:

  1. React to a comment with an emoji.
  2. Reply to the comment to add another message to the thread. You can @mention additional users or groups as before.
  3. Click the checkmark to Resolve the comment and remove it from the Open Comments window.
  4. Click the vertical ellipses to open the More Options menu for the comment, where you can Edit the comment, Delete it, or Copy the Link.
NOTE: Authors, Collection Owners, Admins and the original commenter, all have permission to Delete or Resolve a comment or thread.

View and Reopen Resolved Comments

  1. Open the card in question in the web app or browser extension.
  2. Click the More Options menu (vertical ellipses) in the card's navigation menu and select Card History.
    Card History.jpg
  3. Below the Created and Verified information, select the Resolved Comments tab (the header will not appear if there are no completed comments).
    Resolved Comments.JPG
  4. Click Show More Replies to expand all comments in the conversation thread.
  5. Click the comment's More Options menu (vertical ellipses) to Reopen or fully Delete the comment from the history.

Reopened comments and their corresponding conversation thread will appear back in the Open Comments section of the card (see View Open Comments above).

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You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.