Key Links | Parsons Full-Time Faculty
Please see the below key links for Parsons Full-Time Faculty. Questions should be directed to the Jean Marie Layton ( or the Parsons Operations Team ( About The New School History of The New School (learn how The New School and its varied colleges came to be!)University Leadership (listing of senior university leadership and major governing bodies) University Mission & Vision (our mission, vision, and core values as an educational institution) University Wayfinding (navigate your way around campus using these resources) Policies Overview (current listing of faculty and staff policies housed within Guru)The New School Resources Onboarding Employee Onboarding tab contains onboarding checklists, handbooks & policies, training opportunities, and other helpful resourcesParsons-Wide Operations Key Links | Parsons Operations (includes links for Parsons Organization Chart, Research Assistant Resources, Expenses & Travel Polices, Expense Reports, Service Providers, Template How to Track Your Expenses, etc.)Key Contacts | Parsons Operations (includes key contact information for various processes)FTF Calendar | Parsons Operations (details office hours and funding cycles)FTF Office Hours | Parsons Operations School-Specific Operations Hiring Employment & Service Providers (general resources, student employees, temp/misc. employees, FTF supplemental pay, PTF MOU, and service providers)Funding Cycles Provost Office Resources Teaching Resources Faculty Resources Academic Calendars Course Catalog Course, Classroom & Student Support FAQ | Parsons Faculty (grading policies, class rosters, printing, IT issues, student support, etc.) Canvas and the Faculty User Guide (secure space for posting readings, holding class discussions, and collecting and grading assignments, etc.) Starfish (student success and retention network)Zoom Program Leadership Academic Program Leadership Resources (links to Guru folder with various training videos and resources)Program Pages (links to Guru folder with information on the process to update program pages)General Resources External Resource List | Parsons (general art supplies, fashion supples, photography supplies, bookstores, start up support, mentorship, organizations, etc.)Communications Full-Time Faculty Benefits HR Resources