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Course, Classroom & Student Support FAQ | Parsons Faculty

Course Support

Are there resources available to help me with teaching and learning?

Yes! Please see the below Guide to Teaching and Learning.

How can I see my class roster?

To access your full roster, including information about student majors and year levels, you can go to and follow these steps:

  • Sign in to
  • Click on “Academics” on the top navigation bar
  • Scroll down to “Faculty Course Information”
  • Click on “Detailed Class List”

Alternatively, once you are attached to a course in Canvas, you should be able to see all students registered. Please note that during the Add/Drop period students enrolled in a section can change significantly.

For Program Directors: Students registered across all sections of a class can be found in the Tableau "Rosters" Report.

How can I print things for class?

Faculty can print for class in the University Center (UC) Faculty Center, 3rd floor (look for the blue walls!). For more information, please see The Faculty Resource Center - Printing.

You can also access the printers in any IT printing lab using your assigned printer points.

For more specific needs, please see Plotters and Specialty Printing.

How do I get equipment/materials for my course?

This is different for different classes. Please contact the Program Director and/or Course Coordinator for your class, as well as your Program Administrator.

If your course requires equipment check out, click here. If you teach in First-Year, supplies are usually left in the First-Year Lounge, Room 510F.

What do I do if I need to have a substitute for one of my class sessions?

For Full-Time Faculty (FTF), you are able to have a Part-Time Faculty (PTF) member serve as a substitute instructor. PTF are compensated for this work as part of Additional Duties. If a PTF will be serving as a substitute for you, please make sure to reach out to your school's Associate Director of Part-Time Faculty Affairs (find contact info here) for who can assist with logistics around payment.

For PTF, please make sure you have reviewed Union contract policies around absences. We are not able to have outside individuals serve as substitutes for classes. Please ensure you connect with your school's Associate Director of Part-Time Faculty Affairs (find contact info here) to both note your absence and to provide further information regarding plans for that absence including providing information for the substitute instructor. PTF should also consult with their Program Director to discuss an appropriate "Absence Plan," in accordance with the Union CBA.

What do I do if I need to cancel one of my classes?

For Full-Time Faculty, in the event that you must cancel your class, please notify your students through Canvas. Next, email your respective Program Administrator to put a sign on your classroom door. We will do our best to fill requests for last-minute signage but may be unable to do so before the start of class. In the event that you would like to schedule a classroom outside of regular class time, please contact your respective Program Administrator.

For Part-Time Faculty, please refer to the attendance policy and emergency absence call-out procedure, as outlined in the Employment/Responsibilities (for Part-Time Faculty) section of the Parsons Faculty Resource site.

How do I hire a student worker for my course?

Please see the student worker hiring card and contact your school's Associate Director of Operations with any questions.

How can I get my Teaching Assistant (TA) added to my Canvas page?

Please reach out to your program director. TA assignments are added to Canvas as student paperwork is completed and processed. A student may not be added before their job has been processed in WorkDay.

How and when do I submit grades for my class?

Classroom Support

When are classroom assignments made, and how do I see my classroom assignment?

Classrooms are assigned in the weeks leading up to the add/drop period (which is typically the first two weeks of classes).

Classrooms are visible on:

  • The course catalog
  • The right hand side of the Schedule Builder document (for Program Directors / Assoc. Directors)
  • The Course Data Dashboard report in Tableau

Classrooms are not visible on:

If your assigned classroom does not meet the needs of the curriculum, you can request an alternative room by emailing your school's Course Planning Manager (find contact info here). Requests are accepted through the third class meeting.

Please understand that not all requests can be accommodated. Information about what room attributes are needed for your class and not present in your assigned room - for example a sink, specific chair types, table types, a projector, etc. - rather than naming a particular room you would prefer is appreciated.

I need to permanently change my classroom, who should I contact?

If your assigned classroom impedes your ability to deliver curriculum, please contact your school's Manager of Course Planning (see your school's overview page linked below for contact information) and include the Title CRN #, and the number of students in your course to request a room change.

For a one-time change to your assigned classroom (for special activities), please see the below question on ad-hoc room requests.

What should I do if I have classroom technology issues during class time?

There is one University IT office that covers both administrative and classroom support. For more information about classroom technology, visit the IT Classroom Equipment Training Guru Card.

For immediate assistance, please see How to get immediate classroom technology help during class.

If you would like to note and track recurring issues in a particular room or space, please use the email even if you have called. Calls that are resolved in real time are not tracked.

How do I make an ad-hoc room request?

If you need to reserve an additional room for a class-related event (such as a critique, group section meeting, or other times your class may need a larger or different space that your assigned classroom) during the semester, please use your school's room request form/calendar (if applicable; see your school's overview page linked below) or program's Program Administrator to make a request for an ad-hoc room. Ad-hoc rooms are available to book after the add/drop period ends each semester, and are subject to availability. Ad-hoc rooms are available throughout The New School, and tend to be seminar-style classrooms rather than studio spaces.

Point Person: Program Administrators

Timeline: Please allow for at least two weeks of processing time from the date you submit the request to the date that you need the ad-hoc classroom. Due to limited space during regularly scheduled class times, alternative spaces are not guaranteed and are contingent upon room availability.

If your class-related event involves 100+ guests, promotional materials, specific arrangement of furniture, Events IT, catering, livestreaming or videography, use of Tishman (U100) or The Auditorium (A106), or is open to the public, please use your school's event planning request form instead (if applicable) or contact your Program Administrator.

How do I reserve space in the Making Center?

Making Center shops are planned and reserved in advance for courses that require them for stated learning outcomes.

Faculty wishing to have a class visit for a course that does not require the facilities, but would benefit from them, should email the contact of the relevant lab/shop/or studio (click on shop and scroll down to find contacts listed) at least 2 weeks in advance. Please understand that not all requests can be approved due to facilities schedule and capacity. In most cases, students are required to have completed the orientation(s) prior to doing any work in the shop.

Student Support

Where do I find resources to support my students?

This guide is maintained by Student Success and includes information about all of the offices in Student Success and links to access them (for students, faculty, and staff), along with the archive of Student Success communications to students.

Other Internal Student Services & Resources:

For external resources, please see External Resource List | Parsons.

A student emailed me about getting into my class off the waitlist, what's the process?

Students will be invited to register off the waitlist, via an automated process, if a seat opens in the class. Waitlist offers are held for 24-hours before the system moves to the next person on the list.

It’s important to note that faculty cannot prioritize students’ access off the waitlist. If a student tells you they need the class to meet a requirement or have another specific need, you can refer them to their advisor, who can assess if any exceptions can be made to move them up on the waitlist.

A student contacted me about getting permission to enroll in my class, despite being blocked by course requirements. What do I do?

Students seeking to enroll in a course via special permission should fill out the Course Permission Request Form as it becomes available each term. If faculty support a student's application to enroll, please include the language "as space allows" in your reply email. If a class is full with a long waitlist when permission requests are reviewed, space may NOT allow, despite a student being qualified. Please let your PD know you believe the student to be qualified to process requests as quickly as possible.

I need to find the advisor for a student who reached out to me. How do I do that?

All faculty should use Starfish when applicable to contact advising. This ensures everything is documented for the appropriate classes. Faculty being certain of who the advisor is should not take the place of other processes and resources in place. That said, to confirm which advisor works with which student, a quick reference document can be found here for all Parsons advisors. Students outside of Parsons will not have their advisors listed on this document. This is for internal use only, please do not share it with students.

As a note, Advising has a response time of 1-2 business days (2-3 during peak times) and should not be contacted for emergency situations such as student mental health, health care, or other non-academic concerns.

A student has a question about their schedule, who should they contact?

If a student has questions about their classes or schedule, they should reach out to their advisor.

A student is looking for funding opportunities for a project. Does Parsons have funding available?

Yes, please see Student Travel Fund.

Do students have access to lockers?

Yes, students can email Please note that there are limited lockers available.

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